Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Watchlist - Animation II

Now those of you who read my last movies post (My Watchlist - Animation), took my suggestion and watched the last 5 movies then decided never to take my suggestion ever again, this list is for you. Basically it is a fun list with animations as you expect them to be.

I will start with Up. Amazing movie!!! This is a movie that tells you that neither romance nor adventure has anything to do with age. So those of you thought that in the coming years, age is going to be your excuse for shying away from either of these, it is time you found another excuse. And there is another thing that this movie says ... but if I tell you that there wouldn't be much left in the movie. So go find it yourself. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

On a day like today

Dear Silence,

Most of the time I love rains. And I have really cherished memories about them be it in the school days, college or work as must be evident from my numerous chats with you regarding rains. Although sometimes the muddy puddles in the middle of the road are a cause of too much inconvenience specially after rain has left. And yet the early morning drizzle like that of today often fills me with apprehension and gloom. If I wake up to rain, the most usual thing to do is to go back to sleep and wake up a little later hoping that I have successfully shortened the gloomy day to some extent. Unless commitments of the day render such a plan completely useless. In that case I just give in to my feelings.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Watch List - Animation

This is not a movie review.

During my stay in K, I had the chance to watch a couple of movies. Animation was top in my list and luckily I found quite a lot of them. :) Here is a list (not in any particular order) of some interesting animated movies that I came across. Not all of these are watched in K but I remember most of them are. I will skip the usual favorites of Toy Story, Lion King, etc but I cannot skip Wall E

Anybody with even the slightest interest in animation, must watch this.  I could tell you the summary but why spoil the fun, and anyways IMDB is always there for that. So it is the story of a lonely robot who falls in love and then moves across the universe (literally to find her). Now that plot itself would melt the heart of any romantic but that is not all. The movie is also about us and how we will have destroyed the earth. It is also about technology taking over us and about hope. But most of all I love it because there is so so much expressed in the movie with the minimum words.Lets start with the lighter ones now.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Haunting Words

Do words haunt you too?

I know it sounds weird but I have been haunted by words for some time now. Now there are different kinds of words that haunt.There are words that someone else told you and you liked them so you keep remembering them and feel happy. Now that would be a 'good' words-ghost. But it could be the other way, something you didn't like, something that hurt you or shook you to the core, something that you never expected and you had no reply to those. Those words might make you feel angry or weak or betrayed or just sad. And each time you remember them, that feeling is renewed, may be even magnified. Now forgetting would be an apt way of solving the problem but memory is often treacherous and mostly too independent. So the next thing to is to set out to prove those words wrong to yourself if such a thing is possible. If not, then as they say, time is a great healer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back to books

If nothing else, this internship at least rekindled my first love. 

So one day I was updating my bookshelf in Shelfari when the about me section suddenly caught my attention and from there four little words stared back at me "Reading keeps me sane" and with that all those moments flashed before my eyes when reading had actually kept me sane. If then, why not now. :) So I was back to books. What about blogging then? Blogging keeps me alive. Not the 'alive and breathing' but the 'alive and living'. So in short last one year I had been insanely dead. Not that I can disagree.

So what am I blogging today? Obviously its about books. And why? Because I came across this post - "And so read on" and I thought, its time I added another list. This time not just classics :)

So here is a list (in no particular order) of what I have been reading in the last month:
  1. Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith
  2. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
  3. A Room with a View by EM Forster
  4. The Invisible Man by HG Wells
  5. The Wedding by Nichloas Sparks

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Slaughterhouse 5 - This is not a book review

I looked up and then around. This wasn’t one of my favorite places to eat but this was one of those where I could sit alone unnoticed. It was perfect for getting lost. Firstly it was always crowded and noisy, then it was lighted dimly in the evening like it is now and most importantly it was such a vast area that there was no way one could see from one corner to another, no wonder no one cared. True, today was more crowded than usual and noisier than what I would have preferred. Even the lights were so dim that it strained my eyes to read. I was silently sitting in one of the edges where eyes don’t reach, and therefore the sound that made me look up was totally unexpected. Then I heard the voice:

Monday, May 02, 2011

Colored Vision

If all like the colors that they are looking at, they would like others too.

Imagine a bunch of children at a fair. Now fairs are very colorful places with lots of people and lots of things to see. Suppose each of those children in the bunch has a different colored glass. Then of course, no two of them will agree on what color a particular thing is because they see it differently. What is green for one is blue for someone else or even red for another. Interesting don't you think? May be not because you already know that they have different colored glasses which perfectly explains their perspective but suppose this knowledge was not known, wouldn't it seem a very unlikely situation except perhaps if the children have learned their colors wrong.

I think any group of people are like those bunch of children each with an intrinsic colored glass for himself/herself.

Just another year

This is my second new year after I shifted back here. Last time went in a blur. I sat in a corner, remembered the last new year and cried. ...