Tuesday, May 01, 2007

BTP Analysis

Let me first of all clarify to the readers that the above title is read as "BTP A-null-(th)esis".

For the advantage of all non engineering readers BTP as understood or made understood by any technological institute is expanded as "B.Tech Project". As you all know, B.Tech is the degree for which we toil and survive the 4 years assigned to the course. BTP, however, expanded by technological students would conform to any of the following terms but the one given before :

Badly Timed Project
Breath Taking Project
Brain Twisting Project
Bulk Torture Project
Boring Technology Project
Big Tragedy Project
Bravely Tackled Project
Bas Topic Project

Or some people tend to devise less complicated and non-technological terms to comply to the acronym (courtesy: F&S)

The initiation of BTP occurs with the allotment of the topic which may take place any day from the first week of the semester to the day before the report submission depending on the flexibility of your department, (mis)guide and/or your typing speed. But of course I cannot overlook the presence of your conscience. This leads the inevitable mention of some ELITE (Erroneously Lost In Technology and Engineering) students who comply to the university definition of the acronym and actually work for it. My post assumes their non-existence.

The main work of BTP is the preparation of a flawless, acceptable report. This report can be broaly divided into two types:

  1. which has been explored by you so well that you can easily baffle the proffesors giving them a false impression of your knowledge, interest and efforts.
  2. which is neither understood by you nor the proffesors such that they prefer not to enter the untried domain.

The first type requires some research of the topic (as in surfing, netting, mostly books are considerd orthodox and seldom used) and if possible a know-how/what/why of the proffesor(s) to make sure that you can baffle him(them). This type thus requires a little more effort than just the report writing in addition to convincing evidence to prove your attempt and success.

The second type with the advancement of technolgy (as in free-flowing internat) is more easily accesible. It is ready-made, requires less efforts and is more or less hassle free. The only thing to be made sure of is that it comforms to the type mentioned above i.e an untried domain at least to the proffesor(s).

Once the report is made and submitted, the more dreaded moment arrives - the BTP Viva(or presentation). There however is also a good part about it, that being the end of viva more or less marks the termination of the B.Tech struggles.

The viva involves your explaining to the panel:
  • the importance of your project- this is the easiest part (thanks to the technological advancements)
  • the work you attempted - this is often confusing. Your (mis)guide can help you with this or you can always turn to the omniscient (internet).
  • and the reasons for your inability to complete it - this is the hardest part since you can neither blame it on the department nor youself. If you can find a way through in this part, trust me, your BTP is complete. The most common way through this is to confidently deny that its left incomplete or to simply disregard the part of completion and talk about future scopes in the project.
While dealing with BTP, the important mantra to remember is "If you can't convince them, confuse them".

If you are through with this all, my heartiest congrtatulations to you. Now you can sit back, look back and have a hearty laugh.

This write-up is dedicated to my seniors who have taught me the importance (or rather unimportance) of BTP, the anecdotes of their BTP, their runnning/hiding away from guides, their coffee breaks, the F&S team, their thorough research on the term BTP, my friends whom I have seen struggling (or rather not struggling) for their BTP, their evidences and efforts and lastly all engineering students who have a similar story to tell.

[Diclaimer: This post has no intention of making fun of any institution, any of its ongoing tradition, or the ELITE students of the institution and is based on first hand experience, observation and second hand confessions]




Anonymous said...

gud one...

Kaps said...

Hi Anki !

Hmmm, nice compilation :D .. readily aggreeable to all who have been witness to this significant event in their lives(college no bar, place no bar :D),
the article provides a valuable and helpful insight to the unacquainted needy ones...
it also attempts to ameliorate the General-Knowhow of the esteemed non-engineering readers about the phenomenon called BTech :D .... ofcourse the 'wud-be-ELITE' may get a bit disappointed, but then a truth is a truth - so better taste the pill with a tinge of salt n pepper rather than percieving any bitterness :) ....

Also! Nice to observe tht u've mentioned appropriate credits to various data in this post :D :D ...

keep writin peril... tc

ritu bajpai said...

hehe...I remember stamping the CD which contained my BTP once I was done with it. Left it in the mess of my room when I was leaving it :)

Yayaver said...

ya really funny stuff and i am enlightened for my coming btp...

Yayaver said...

Day after tomorrow is my B.T.P. viva;I was kicked out of first btp and now trying hands on 2nd btp which was done through outsourcing.
Really your article is 1 page bible for all 4th year appearing students.

Just another year

This is my second new year after I shifted back here. Last time went in a blur. I sat in a corner, remembered the last new year and cried. ...