Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Just remembering

I dont know in which class I was, may be Vth or VIth when this incident took place.

In the backyard of our house, we had a tree. I was told it was a guava tree. It was dry, had no leaves, never did it bear even a single fruit. It did not give shade in the hot summer days, nor was it good enough to be climbed or for the use for a tree house. Basically a useless tree that we seldom noticed. It didnt come close to the house or its fence. So it was neither a treat nor a threat. Except perhaps that it engaged too much of our backyard which could have been used for something else. But I dont think any of us ever gave that a thought. In course of time we grew oblivion of its presence, watching it everyday yet never giving a thought.

One afternoon, however on returning from school, I found the backyard filled with some 2-3 people (later I was told they were from municipality). I stood there and watched them as they chopped off its topmost branches, then the lower ones... and continued till there was nothing except a stump almost at the level of the ground. I dont know how long they took, but I stood there all the while watching them and even after they were gone, I stood there.

I dont remember being sad or even thinking about it ever again. Yet yesterday I found myself narrating the whole event to a friend. Why did this incident which I never thought about came back to me after 10 years.

I wonder how many such events or things are stored safely in my mind. I wonder how many such things to which I am indifferent at present will be rememberd by me in future. Just wondering.


Unknown!!! said...

hmm was blog hopping..ended :D wondering how all of a sudden u remembered some tree getting cut..hmm mebbe its cos of some vanamahotsav...well

vruksh o rakshiti rakshitaha


Anks said...

Well Anki, it is said that each and every experience, each and every thought of ours gets stored in our mind.... we may not remember it sometimes, not even if we try very hard... but its all there somewhere.... so what were you and your friend talking about when you remembered the incident? perhaps it was something in your conversation that triggered the memory....

khushi said...

There are few incidence or thoughts which are always in our mind but we never remember them....may be coz we might not appreciate them or sometimes conditions are not favourable.
And then talks they appears as if it happened yesterday only.

The Furobiker said...

yaadein yaad aati hain ,..... baatein bhool jaati hain...

Priya Gupta said...

hey name for the blog!
nice indeed!

And as far as i know u Anki, u don't easily forget things;-).....and abt this "insignificant" incident as u might consider, i think its perhaps the loss u felt thereafter, that u remembered it!

And hey, don't worry u r perfectly normal if u remember such a need to see a doctor right now;-)
Just kidding..

Dr Abhishek Pandey said...

memory stored in brain as recent and remote memory.that incident was stored as remote memory in your brain.but there must be some recent incident which lead that remote memory to come in focus.
any way no need to worry.

Anonymous said...

hi anki:)

Y said...

Nice blog... & thoughts, of course!

Just another year

This is my second new year after I shifted back here. Last time went in a blur. I sat in a corner, remembered the last new year and cried. ...