Saturday, December 17, 2005

Slipped away moments.

As I watch people moving around me so fast, I wonder am I standing still. (Ah that reminds me of "relative velocity") . Did time move away from me or did I run away? Probably we both diverged from each other and are still doing. (the universe is expanding). In the course of such a journey so many things have slipped away from my hand and I barely noticed. Coming home is a reminder of those slipped away things.

Each time I come home, my father tells me to look into my room and discard away the things that I dont need. I sit back and open the briefcases and cartons one by one and look at those memoirs of my school days. Each of them telling me a story. Cards, gifts, letters, photographs, slambooks, sometimes even a dried up leaf or flower carefully kept between the pages of my diary.

A few more steps back and I find my old dolls, torn and neglected. Once they used to be my constant companions. And as I go through the albums, it doesnt take much to relive those moments of birthday parties, the hue and cry I used to make to go there, the games, the delicious dishes, the surprises and the lost friends. I still remember some of the birthdays though I dont have any idea where to wish them... nov 22nd, dec 15th, march 6th... so many more. Have you ever tried holding grains of sand or even water in your clenched fist? It feels the same way.

But it doesnt end there. I am talking about things that left me long back and are too far way now. How about the things that slipped away recently. Here in my room, I find my unread books, unfinished poems and a story that I left half written, letters that I never posted, cards that I never sent, gifts that I never packed, paintings that I never completed, a diary entry which ended just with the date (I wonder what was it that I wanted to write).

I pack them back just as they were, not a single thing discarded, quietly saying "next time, dad, next time" and wondering will the next time ever come.


Anks said...

Your posts are all tugging at heartstrings.... reminded me of all the memoirs I discarded when I moved house....

we can throw the physical stuff, but never the memories etched in the mind.

Kaps said...

Hi Anki ! :-)

Gr8 to see a post after so many days.... Can't agree with you more sister... especially when I'll be facing this moment so soon... its all so immaculately perfect and true... something which we all feel... atleast I have... and wil continue to....

dont think I hav a right to say much abt such emotions... one can simply feel the sweetness of the inherent pain... ...

God Bless you ..
tc bbye

shaunak said...

Fantastic little thought and shared with great finesse ..

stirred me into thought on this slumberous winter afternoon and surely put a wide smile on my face as i recounted little anecdotes from those lost chapters in my life.
thanks for this wonderful post :)

Priya Gupta said...

hi Anki....
once again a feeling/emotion shared wid utmost perfection.Shows how human mind takes the least of time and pain to relighten all those past moments and memories...that even the sheer shortage of space cudn't win over the idea of keeping all those memoirs for ever wid us....for ofcourse, the value they have is unfathomable.

Divya Bhadani said...

those feelings were put down in a fabulous manner.......really those words touched me too

Anonymous said...

Cant care to agree more.
And by the way let me give u a slipped b'day back march 16th is SWATI'S b'day.........:)dont forget to thank me 4 that.

Just another year

This is my second new year after I shifted back here. Last time went in a blur. I sat in a corner, remembered the last new year and cried. ...