Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What have I been doing!

It has been a long time since I wrote anything except the last blog entry. So today when I found some ample time, I wondered 'what have I been doing all these days!'
To start with, end of college suddenly shook up a well settled (although not routined) life.( As indicated in the last post) The next phase is taking some time to get settled but still, I had been busy.

Work - A new place of learning. Mostly learning now not much of performing. This is what takes at least 40 hours of my week.

Books - I have been reading a good lot of books. I finished the following:

The Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Desai
The Godfather - Mario Puzo
Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coelho
The Broker - John Grisham
Shalimar the Clown - Salman Rushdie
Sleeping Murder - Agatha Christie

At present I am on:
4.50 From Paddington - Agatha Christie

Books on the rack:
God Knows - Joseph Heller
Zahir - Paulo Coelho

Other than these I have been busy with knowing and getting used to with the new place.
Inspite of all these, I do miss writing. I miss writng my impressions (book reviews) and my expressions I miss the absolute leisurely time when I could let my thoughts just wander away and then capture the thougts. I miss those times when I didnt have write hurriedly while using the computer and when it wasn't a tool of work but a tool of leisure. :)

And with these miss-all-s, comes things I enjoy. I enjoy the idea of questioning and learning. I enjoy the last two days of week which takes my mind off my work. I enjoy the sense of freedom and responsibility. I enjoy being able to responsible for things around me. And for a change I am enjoying growing up.

So, what have you been doing?

Just another year

This is my second new year after I shifted back here. Last time went in a blur. I sat in a corner, remembered the last new year and cried. ...