Do you believe in miracles?
I know thats a very strange question, firstly because "miracles" so to say has no defined realm. Something that seems miracle to you may seem quite an ordinary thing for somebody else. But I was still wondering how many people actually believe in miracles. I could have have asked "Do you believe in God?" as well but then that is one question to which people almost answer mechanically. I call myself Agnostic. But sometimes I wonder if I took that stance just to evade that question. Anyways I was talking about miracles. So before you think about my earlier question, you have to be clear what the word means to you.
When I was child, I always looked at dewdrops with awe and thought them to be jewels provided by nature that adorn the neck of mother earth. After sometime I realised it is just water. But then isnt Diamond that transfers its sparkle to the beholder just carbon (or should I say 'coal' to put it more crudely). So whats wrong if my precious little dewdrop transfers its sparkle to my eyes and I see it not as "just water" !
See, that morning dewdrop is a 'miracle' for me. I can cite a hundred other examples that seem a miracle from my eyes. What then is your 'miracle'?
[This post is inspired by Anks'poem (specially the last stanza) and Paulo Coelho but these are my thoughts that I have tried to put up.]
My miracle would have to be the sea near my parents' house here in Scotland. At this time of year it's grey and raw and windswept and just awesome.
Hi Anki !:-)
Now thts a nice idea.. to think of something as common as a dewdrop to be a miracle of mother nature for its sheer adorable beauty... You're no wrong.. ofcourse...
umm My pic wud be the ... (ah its not easy to cite one fr God-or ok nature one may address it as- proves in each of his creations tht he's the master craftsman)...
The wholesome picture of a fullmoon on a starlit night... one can simply gaze at it unceasingly in a soothing n silent admiration... :-)
Tc sis
Hmmmm....once again you came up with your thoughts on nature....although inspired by "Paulo Coehlo" and "Änks".
I dont really believe in "miracles" ....still if you ask me answer your question i'll say "My miracle would be a bit awesome ...... something like "the Sun to be cool like the Moon instead of being a burning ball of fire".
My miracle.... the closest i've ever felt to nature was when i camped at Malshej..... saw the sunset (again about sunset!) from a hill.... surrounded by flowers.... gazing into the valley below..... where a river wound its serpentine course.... that felt miraculous!
and my poem inspired this??? wow! :)
Hi Calvin !
Hey Nice to See the first pic on your blog :-).. tc Sis
this one was wonderfully written. For the moment your blog seems to be a miracle......miracles are that instantaneous to me
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