Thursday, June 02, 2005


Well am I not fast!!! Since I started writing I have been posting everyday.

And if you are still reading, you must be finding it pretty interesting. Good enough for me. So you want to peep into my thoughts... hmmm there isn't much problem there except as in my own words

But as you travel, you may see
Dead ends and blind alley
And among those winter snow and frost
Take care, you may get lost!

Well actually I was thinking may be someday all my topics will exhaust and then this blog will be neglected and ignored. But that is impossible, can human mind ever stop thinking, can I ever stop writing? Not at all.
So people, I will always be here writing something!!!

Some days before I came across an article where I read about the "pi" pattern of writing poems. "pi" you know, right? 3.141592653589793... cool isn't it?? If you have read my last poem posted then you will understand what i mean by "pi" pattern. And as soon as I read the article what did I do? Of course wrote poems in that pattern and not 1 but 3 (quite a speed!!!)

And then Of course I came back to my original style and today I wrote 4 of them (gr8 isn't it!!!) Seems I have ample time and thoughts. That is also one more reason why I am blogging :-) .2 more reasons being....
1) Access to net
2)Unavailability of messenger :-D

Well not much to write today, but in future may be someday I will discuss some of my poems too.

Read on!!!

Signing off


Kaps said...

Hi Miss Calvin !
You surely are FAST ! :-)
sometimes Its hard to have a mutually exclusive and independent response ..but I'll try..

Hmm the Pi way of writing.. now I realise howcome you switched from the normal fluency of rhyming to a more abrupt yet straightforward way.. (in your last posted poem).. I didnt coment on tht aspect coz I was more sensitive to the fact tht whether you do give the emotions their due value(by admitting if they are real .. n you did)..

Now 4 more poems.. WOw !.. Treat to read..Keep up the gud work Anki.. for tomorrow may be I wont be able to read..but remember.. your every creation..are invaluable..dont ever stop..go on....

(thnk God I ws able to maintain mutual exclusiveness)

Anki said...

As long as... there is access to net and u do not change your mail id... i am sure u will always be able to read them. i will make it sure u do!!!

Thnks a lot!!! its a small word but i hope it speaks it all.

Just another year

This is my second new year after I shifted back here. Last time went in a blur. I sat in a corner, remembered the last new year and cried. ...