Well it so happened that a few days back, I stumbled upon a quiz that would let me know which fairytale character was my alter ego. Curious little child as I am, I couldn't fight the urge to find it out. And guess where did I stand? The one and only PETER PAN !!!
If you are one of those who are acquainted with the fairytale characters, I need not tell you about Peter Pan and his Neverland. And well I have that fantastic habit of looking into small incidents and work them into something deeper. So this five minutes quiz led me to this post of mine. Well, probably if I was to find my alter ego among the characters from books of Lewis Caroll and not fairytales, I would have landed up with Alice and then this blog would have been named "Down the Rabbit Hole". I suppose by now, you have understood which trait of mine guided me to Peter Pan - just that "I don't want to grow up"
The statement seems to come from an extremely pampered and spoiled child who doesn't want to take her responsibilities. Isn't it?? Well, whether I am like that or not that is for you to decide if you know me (if you do not, plss don't bother). I for myself will of course not agree that I am either a pampered child or a spoilt girl. :D
Then comes the obvious question... "Why then I do not want to grow up?"
Time does move on, isn't it? In a pace of its own, often pushing us into caves of wonder and then again pulling us back. I too am one of those victims of time. I travel in its course like every mortal being sometimes looking back at the attributes I gathered on my way and the ones I left somewhere behind. This time when I looked back or should I say looked into my heart, I found yes, I really don't want to grow up because on my way to this stage among all the facets that I imbibed, there are things like cynical approach to life, mistrust for not just people but situations and probably for this world as a whole and something called apprehension for this moment as well as for something that I have not anticipated yet, that is yet to come.
I know you will protest, you will say I have learnt so many things. Yes, you are right. I have learnt many things like - to look into this world and say "I know you are faking, so am I", that whenever I look a falling star and wish for something, I deceive myself, that fairies are just whims, that the characters from the books of Enid Blyton and Lewis Carroll cannot come to life, that I cannot wander in this cosmos on a floating cloud, that when a tree is thick and stout it doesn't mean it will lead to the world of elves. That if I see the moon smiling, it is my stupid mind and not the moon, that winds do not whisper secrets into my ears they just cause vibrations that reach our eardrums, that the scintillating dewdrops that I see in the morning are not jewels of some celestial beings but just droplets of water, that if someone says something, it doesn't mean it is true.
I miss those times of intrepidity when I thought this world is a beautiful place, that people are veracious, when I believed in the existence of innocence, when I was credulous enough to believe that I can reach the moon climbing up a ladder, when I was ignorant of pretence and feigning (and now I have trouble convincing myself that I am true), when it was not known to me that in between the colours of black and white, there is one more shade - grey. When I had not noticed that a frown is just a smile turned upside down and it doesn't take time to swap them at least the smile to a frown, and what's more I hate to realize again and again that my world of imagination is not a part of the real world. There is a very wide gap between them that I can never fill up and someday I will have to leave that beautiful world of mine forever.
I can give you a hundred more reasons why I don't want to grow up, why I miss being a child (as if I am not!!!) but for now this is enough.
And I know, now you will pour down all your reasoning in favour of growing up, isn't it?? You know what? I hate that my mind acquiesces that you are right, that even while I continue to grumble against growing up, somewhere deep down I know growing up is JUSTIFIED and I hate this fact!!!