The earliest and maximum number of my holidays have been spent in some sea beach areas. I don't even remember the names of all the beaches I have visited. Some very unknown yet beautiful (may be more so because they were untouched by the crowds !). From the east, west and the south, of each of these directions, I have visited atleast 1 beach (mind it, atleast 1).
The mighty sea never ceases to create a feeling of awe in my heart, even today if I see one, the first things that comes to my mind are its beauty, power and the stretch of land that keeps it in check! I remember I used to walk in the beaches after sunset. Away from the crowd and near the sea, where the waves can wash my feet each time they come, and as they moved away, I used to feel the sands below my feet slowly drifting away. I remember I used to see the huge height of the approaching waves with fear and surprise and still wait there till the wave splashed into drops of white foam. Then the sun that quietly found its way beneath the cover of the large blue mass during the sunset. I used to stand in the balcony or the window just to watch that. And after that when the crowd dispersed, I used to coax my Mom and Dad to take me for a walk. A late-riser, I missed the sunrise most of the time :D.
During my visits to the beaches, other than watching the sea waves, one more thing that I spent my time was in collecting sea shells. Small. big, broken, unbroken, coloured or white, it never mattered. They were my treasure. I used to roam about and collect them. Then when my small hands could not hold any more, I deposited them to my Mom and started collecting again. :D Even today (after so many transfers) somewhere in the boxes that hold my precious treasures, there are those seashells. It just makes me smile. :)
I never thought, when I will open my closed fist to see the shells that I treasured so much, I will find nothing but trifles from my childhood.